Tag: Climb

How to Climb Your Maslow Pyramid

Life is a constant journey of growth, self-discovery, and progress. One of the most famous theories about this journey of yours and mine is the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This pyramid-shaped model shows how human needs are arranged in an ascending order from the most bas...

How some CEOs climb the corporate ladder and lead the company

As I was sifting through the book “mindset” written by Carol’s Dweck. I realize that I have been living my whole life the wrong way . We all been programmed by fixed mindset . That’s why we remain stuck at one place. I realize that I don’t usually stretch my mi...

Why couldn’t anyone climb Mount Kailash? What is the scientific reason for this?

According to mythological beliefs, Lord Shiva resides on Mount Kailash with Mother Parvati and all his Ganas. Many times demons tried to capture Mount Kailash by climbing it but they were never successful in it. Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash Not only Hindu religion but Jain follower...