Tag: classification

A simple yet effective model for dealing with linear classification problems.

Logistic Regression is a cornerstone of machine learning, facilitating classification by modeling the probability that an instance belongs to a particular category. The scikit-learn (often abbreviated to sklearn) library in Python provides robust tools for building Logistic Regression...

Neural Network with Clothing Classification Example

Data scientists use neural networks as a tool to analyze photos and images. A neural network is a machine learning tool used to analyze images. It tries to focus on essential features of an image and determine a value or class to it. In this case, we will go through an example of classifying clothes...

Building an image classification app with Databricks Connect “V2” and Dash

Intelligent data application adoption is rapidly growing amongst various data platforms. And with this growing adoption, engineers are looking for efficient and flexible APIs to work with their data in a way they’re used to operating pipelines, but inside such data applications. In this blo...

Multi-class wildlife classification using YOLOv5, YOLO v7 and Detectron2- Faster RCNN

There has been an average 68% decline in animal populations since 1970. In order to better understand and monitor the decline in wildlife biodiversity, ecologists often deploy what are known as camera traps — heat- or motion-activated static cameras placed in the wild — and then use mach...

Towards a Social-Relational Model of Digital Disability Classification

It starts with a tick box on a form. To assess the potential risk to vulnerable people, my university ethics committee asks whether a research project involves “people with a cognitive impairment, physical impairment, an intellectual disability, or a mental illness.” This category appear...

Image Classification On Fashion MNIST dataset using Logistic Regression

Logistic regression is a statistical method for predicting binary classes. It is an extension of the linear regression for the classification problem approaches.It is named logistic because the function used in the logistic regression is logistic function also known as sigmoid function. This functio...

Facies classification using unsupervised machine learning in geoscience

Facies are uniform sedimentary bodies of rock which are distinguishable enough from each other in terms of physical characteristics (e.g. sedimentary structure, grain sizes), deposited under the action of a relatively uniform hydrodynamic regime in a given depositional setting. The different types o...

Introduction to Probabilistic Classification: A Machine Learning Perspective

You are capable of training and evaluating classification models, both linear and non-linear model structures. Well done! Now, you want class probabilities instead of class labels. Read no more. This is the article you are looking for. This article walks you through the different evaluation metrics,...

Intro to Statistical Classification

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Statistics — Data Classification

Hello all, This blog is for all the data science aspirants who want to have a better understanding of statistics or for those who got lost in the field stats and probs on where to start and what to study next in stats and probs while starting to studying for machine learning, then this blog is for ...