Tag: Carl

Carl Jung and Mysticism

Carl Jung was born July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland and died in 1961. His father was a pastor, and was the fourth and only surviving child. Jung was a quiet child that was most happy when we had solitary time to think. Carl Jung studied medicine, but had a keen interest in spiritual phenomen...

The Most Important 4 Words Carl Jung Ever Spoke

The last four words are perhaps the most important Carl Jung ever spoke because everything seems to circle back around to them. If I deny, reject, or try and cover up my anxiety, for example, it niggles away at me until I’m forced to pay attention. If I suppress, shut down, or ignore my ang...

The Message Carl Jung Wanted the World to Understand

When I was growing up, I didn’t really know who I was. I was a chameleon. I fitted in everywhere but that left me with the feeling that I didn’t belong anywhere. It was a strange feeling. One that gave me lots of friends and a good life but no real depth. I would find myself imi...