Tag: cares

The MTA loses six billion dollars a year and nobody cares

New York City is the center of capitalism and financial markets, however, hiding underneath the towering skyscrapers is an organization that defies the free market forces by siphoning off increasing amounts of city and state taxpayer dollars. This organization is the Metropolitan Transport Authority...

Self-Care, Essential to the Flare

If you want to be a tight ran ship, then take my number 1 lesson: LOVE YOURSELF 1st. Then, you teach, as a leader, through example for others to love themselves, too. Get fit, eat healthy, live a clean lifestyle (I’m working on my last vice, cigs). And, be the GREATEST, so you prove t...

An app that cares

When her oldest child, Hans, was born in 2017, Lynn VanderWielen, who is Dutch American, initially described him to strangers as “half Dutch, a quarter Russian, and a quarter Nigerian.” But that didn’t quite feel right. Nor did she know what language was appropriate. Then...