Tag: Careers

Pivoting Careers in the Age of Climate Crisis.

I still remember the water. As heavy rains flooded Chennai city, entire neighbourhoods were submerged in brown, murky water. People were stranded on their rooftops, waiting days for rescue boats. Climate change was no longer an abstract concept — it was literally at my doorstep in Poes Garden,...

Three Things I Want from My Writing Career That You Might Want Too

Working as a freelance writer can be an attractive career for people not suited to traditional jobs. For instance, how my brain works means I find working in a regular job difficult. Have you found that the following things impact you: Does difficulty fitting in and conforming to expectations ...

Myth-Busting Women’s Careers: The Truth About Collaboration and Empathy

This year I ran the quiz “How much is patriarchy ruling your life and career?” As I mentioned in this article, 94% of you believe that “you should be able to achieve a life-work balance.” What was the next top patriarchal belief among the survey respondents? 67% ...

Jobs and Careers Where Spanish Language Skills Are an Asset

In today’s increasingly globalized economy, proficiency in foreign languages provides great professional advantages. Especially in the US, the ability to speak Spanish opens doors across many industries and career fields. Therefore, in our application, we give a special place to content i...