Tag: Butterflies

Butterflies Are Tough, But We’ve Pushed Them to the Limit

Forget whatever assumptions you have about those small, fluttery insects with tissue-paper-thin wings: Butterflies are tough. Ever consider why one of the biggest construction-equipment companies in the world is named for a stage in a butterfly’s life cycle? Or why the most popular tattoo i...

Helping Monarch Butterflies & Other Pollinators In The “Off” Season

It’s been almost ten years since I collected milkweed seeds with students in our school’s certified Monarch Waystation. Even after the garden clubs I led ended in 2017 and 2019, I continued to collect seeds of several varieties of Asclepias (milkweed) in my yard. These primarily consi...

The Enchanted Web of Life: A Tale of Ants, Butterflies, and Ancient Wisdom

On a frost-kissed winter day, in a break between workshops, I found myself wandering aimlessly through the ancient woods that swathed the cloistered monastery in Garrison, on the east side of the Hudson River. In the midst of these woods, as if guided by an unseen force, I stumbled upon a remar...