Tag: Builder

Building Complex Objects in Go: A Guide to the Builder Pattern

Creating complex objects with many optional parameters can be a daunting task. The traditional constructor and setter approach can become cumbersome when dealing with objects with many optional parameters. In this article, we will explore the builder pattern, a creational design pattern that a...

How to build a website builder

A website for building websites. Sounds easy, right? It sure is if scoped right and if you have a great guide to break it down for you. Luckily, you’re reading a guide to build just that written by someone who built a website builder from scratch. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll b...

Hatchyverse Builder Spotlight: Francis Tabios — Orchestrating the Creative Symphony of Hatchyverse

In the fast-evolving landscape of media and gaming, a paradigm shift is underway, challenging the traditional notions of intellectual property (IP) and corporate structures. At the forefront of this transformation stands Hatchyverse, a burgeoning ecosystem powered by decentralized IP, pioneering a n...

The Builder Pattern in Swift: A Comprehensive Guide

The Builder Pattern is a creational design pattern that separates the construction of complex objects from their representation. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the Builder Pattern in Swift, its usage, provide a conceptual example, discuss real-world applications, problem-solving capabi...

The Architect as a Master Builder

I am the founder and CEO of New England Design and Construction, Boston’s leading creative Architectural Design Build Firm specializing in sustainable luxury home design and remodels. My mother’s family immigrated from Puerto Rico. I grew up outside NYC, attended Tufts university wher...

How to Choose the Right Contractors in South Florida

When it comes to turning your dream home into a reality, choosing the right contractors in South Florida is a crucial first step. Whether you’re envisioning a luxurious residence or a cozy abode, the expertise and reliability of your contractors can make all the difference. In this guide,...

The Mound Builder Myth — a lost white tribe in America?

That’s quite a mouth full, and I have no idea what Kiera Knightley’s characters from the 2004 King Arthur movie have to do with any of this. Then, to be generous, the article is a copy past from a book called “History of Fayette County, West Virginia,” published in 1926. This...