Tag: Britain

Why Is Britain Censoring Classic Novels?

Few images evoke tyranny quite so well as the sight of books burning. From Nazi Germany to Communist China during the Cultural Revolution, it’s well etched into our collective consciousness that book-burning is a special kind of evil —a declaration of war against truth and art, and the m...

The UN Has Condemned Britain

You might think of Britain as a leader in the eco-movement. Solar farms are becoming increasingly common in its quaint countryside, its coastline is filling up with wind turbines, and it is one of the few countries investing in new nuclear power. In fact, the country loudly exclaimed it was a world ...

Why did the Arabs help the British against the Ottomans? What did Britain promise them?

The Great Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during World War I was a multifaceted and intricate event that involved several Arab groups. The motivations and outcomes of their involvement were diverse and complex, with many Arabs initially supporting the British with the hope of gaining independ...

How Did The Great-Granddaughter of an Indian Slave Become The Staunchest Defender of White Supremacy In Britain?

White supremacy is the most successful multi-national company of all time and its enduring success lies in its capacity for reinvention. If its market capitalization were expressed in numerical terms, it would be worth hundreds of trillions of dollars; bigger than TESLA, Aramco, Apple, Amazon, Mi...

1797: The Last Invasion of Britain

Gazing out across the calm Irish Sea from this stunning Celtic coastline, it’s difficult to imagine a French invasion force landing here, with plans to incite a British revolution. Thirty meters below me the waves lap gently against the rocky shoreline, a light, salty breeze caresses my fac...

The Divide between South Asian Muslims and the Arabic Language in Britain

As a British Bengali Muslim, the Arabic language has held great significance in my life. From memorising the declaration of faith (shahada) with my father to performing the five daily prayers with passages from the Quran, it has been an integral part of my spiritual journey. However, I must admit th...