Tag: Brief


Reflection is the ability of a program to introspect itself, providing insight into its own structure and behavior at runtime. It enables inquiring about classes, methods, and attributes and also supports dynamic code manipulation. There are methods in Ruby classes and objects that allow inspecti...

Learn Seaborn: A Brief Guide

In the previous tutorial, we learned why data visualization is important and how we can create plots using matplotlib. In this tutorial, we’ll learn about another data visualization library called Seaborn, which is built on top of matplotlib. But why do we need seaborn if we have matplotl...

A Brief History of Generative AI

Generative AI will be the most disruptive technological innovation since the advent of the personal computer and the inception of the Internet with the potential to create 10s of millions of new jobs, permanently alter the way we work, fuel the creator economy, and displace or augment 100s of millio...

The National Palace Museum: A Brief History

The National Palace Museum holds a vast collection of Chinese arts and artifacts that span over 8,000 years of history. Its origins can be traced back to the Nationalist Revolution, which marked the end of the Qing Dynasty and ushered China towards the Republican Era. In this article, we will explor...

Religions of the Newars: A Brief Observation

According to the official statistics of that census of 2021, the total population of the Newars is 1,341,363. That is, they constitute only 4.6% of the total population. That means they are ranked the 8th largest ethnic community in Nepal. In fact, it would be unfair to call them ethnic community be...

A Brief History of Women in Computing

In this week’s mashup episode of Scandal: Silicon Valley, James Damore, a newly-fired Google engineer, wrote a 10-page memo arguing that the company’s efforts to improve diversity were misguided. Damore based his thesis on ideas from Evolutionary Psychology and the Big 5 p...

Policy Brief: Suicide Among Indigenous Youth

Suicide has become a leading cause of death for Americans, especially young Americans, in the last few decades but has wreaked disproportionate havoc among the most vulnerable groups in the United States, Indigenous people in particular. People who identify as American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/A...

Brief History of the Universe: BIG BANG Theory

The Big Bang theory, despite competing models, has gained widespread acceptance for its unparalleled ability to explain cosmic phenomena that have puzzled scientists for ages. It is believed that the universe formed approximately 13.7 billion years ago. However, the exact conditions preceding this m...

A Brief Introduction to Graphite

Over the past three decades, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have undergone a remarkable evolution, transitioning from powering small devices to fueling large-scale applications like electric vehicles (EVs) and stationary energy storage systems. An important advancement in this journey has been the ado...

Brief geologic history of Hartland Quay, Devon

I wanted to talk about the chevron folds at Hartland Quay in north Devon. They’re some of the best known in the world. The beds themselves were formed as part of the Crackington Formation during the mid to late Carboniferous (~325 Mya) and exhibit alternating sandstone and siltstone layers,...

DevOps in Pharma: A Brief Analysis

According to a report by McKinsey, factors like COVID-19 pandemic, inflation, geopolitics, new therapeutic modalities, and new ways of working make it vital for pharmacos to carefully reconsider their long-term choices in sourcing, manufacturing, and supply chain. The same report also states...

A Brief Description of McDonaldization

The theory of McDonaldization refers to the process by which principles of the fast-food industry have spread to and begun to dominate various aspects of society. This concept highlights the standardization of society with efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control which are often ass...