Tag: Bridge

Women at the Base of the Bridge

Lagos, Nigeria is not known as a beautiful city. It grew too fast on oil boom money in the 1970s and 80s. Aesthetics were not a big priority and the look became increasingly grey. Lagos was also not known for its street art, until fairly recently when it became fully incorporated into a larger...

Love on the Galata Bridge

When the wind blows over Istanbul, it returns my soul to me. The wind has blown. I feel alive. The chattering tea house women. The Dolma men. I could talk if my tongue wasn’t made of leather. My tongue. My soul. It’s living under the burden of love. The wind blows warmly into my he...

Why was the severed head of Sir William Wallace, a Scottish national hero, displayed on the Drawbridge Gate of London Bridge?

Following his execution at Smithfield in London on 23 August 1305, William Wallace’s severed head was placed on a spike on Drawbridge Gate on London Bridge. Wallace’s head was the first recorded head ever to be displayed on the bridge and it launched a gruesome tradition that lasted o...

The History of Pasadena’s Haunted Suicide Bridge

Pasadena is a quaint city in Los Angeles, chock-full of adorable turn-of-the last century Craftsman homes. Nestled in the San Fernando Valley, Pasadena is home to the Rose Parade, Rose Bowl, and one famous little old lady. Spanish explorers to the area in the 18th century called the Tongva i...

Rainbow bridge incident update:Governor Hochul

was also briefed by the SAC from the FBI. Also was on the phone with Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas, the FBI Director Christopher Wray has reached out. The White House has reached out. My staff has been in communication with all of them. I spoke with Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand, Con...

Charles Bridge, Prague

The city wraps its arms around you and welcomes you to walk its streets. Timeless and untouched by modern war, it is a holiday weekend to the 18th century. To sit on the edge of the main square, near where Kafka was born, and look across to the ham man minding Prague Ham on the spit, is to look acro...

Caesar’s Bridge Across the Rhine

During the Gallic War of 55 BCE, Caesar built a bridge across the Rhine in Northern Gaul to make a lasting impression on the war-like tribes on the other side. Despite the engineering difficulties, sabotage, and constant threat of attack, the bridge was built in just ten days. When he was done ca...

What We Get Wrong About the Golden Gate Bridge Suicides

Ifyou’ve ever felt the sudden urge to leap off of a tall building, you’re already familiar with the concept of l’appel du vide — a French term that literally translates as “the call of the void” and refers to a sudden but passing urge to engage in self-d...

It’s possible to bridge the gap between gender bias in sports tech, but you have to change your mindset first

Now let’s imagine that the tech startup world is the first wave, and second dumper — the sports world. The bodysurfer? Just another ambitious female entrepreneur, looking for one hell of a ride. Each dumper alone is enough to want to get out of the water. But two? That can easily make...

The Ancient Land Bridge of Beringia

Beringia, an ancient land bridge that formerly united Asia and North America, had a significant impact on Earth’s natural and human history. Beringia, which stretches from Siberia to Alaska, formed during the last glacial period, allowing plants, animals, and later humans to migrate. Be...