Tag: breakthrough

The Rossi reactor- scientific breakthrough or fraud?

I am often asked to comment on various technologies and inventions that receive quite a bit of publicity, but have not yet been universally recognized and/or applied. One of the devices I have been asked to talk about is the Andrea Rossi Cold Fusion Reactor. Let’s find out what it is. Wh...

RT-2, Google’s New Breakthrough To Build Wall-E

Since the release in November 2022 of ChatGPT, it seems that the whole world revolves around AI. But don’t worry, this isn’t yet another ‘ChatGPT is amazing’ article, we’re talking about something more revolutionary today. Google Deepmind's brand new robot, RT...

AI’s New Fingerprint Breakthrough!

What’s the Big News? For years, we’ve believed that each fingerprint is unique to an individual. But, these Columbia researchers have developed an AI system that’s shaking up this long-standing belief. This new AI can match different fingerprints from the same person with a surpri...