Tag: Breakings

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: Black Americans in Tech

Introduction: Imagine a tech world as diverse as the society it serves. Today, we’re far from this vision. Black Americans, comprising 13% of the U.S. workforce, hold just 4% of tech roles​​. This disparity highlights the critical need for increased participation of Black Americans in t...

Breaking Barriers: Navigating the Power of Inclusion in Organizations

In today’s diverse and dynamic work environment, fostering inclusion within organizations has become a crucial aspect of building successful and sustainable teams. Inclusion goes beyond mere diversity; it involves creating an environment where every individual feels valued, and respected, and ...

Breaking Barriers, Building Inclusion: Empowering Disabled Software Engineers in the Tech Industry

Before I begin talking about my journey and understanding how we can better empower and build a strong, inclusive environment, my name is Moudud Abu and I am an Full Stack Engineer @ LEGO  My journey started years ago, when I was diagnosed as being partially deaf and dyslex...