Tag: Brazil

Brazil Travel

Amazing city, beaches, mountains, cities, favelas, this place has it all. People are very friendly, even though I have heard that this city is dangerous, but honestly I felt safe here. The Beach First day I decided to visit Christ the Redeemer, landmark of Rio. Quite easy to get to, lots o...

4 Places You Must Go In Rio, Brazil.

It’s a unique sensation. The samba schools from Rio and other cities spend six months having artistic essays where the tourists and locals can go and enjoy the party. It is still happening in the post-pandemic world, and I strongly encourage you to attend one of these events. It usually occurs...

8 Brilliant Reasons You Should Definitely Visit Brazil!

Brazil is one of the largest country as well as one of the most diverse and fascinating nation in the world. The country has one of the most magnificent economies in the world. This country is filled with a rich dose of history, culture, religion and great sports as well. With intriguing people, pla...

COVID-19 Travel Restrictions & Visa Challenges in Brazil

Due to the global pandemic and the directives provided by the World Health Organization on 30 January 2020, based on the human infection with COVID-19, as well as the epidemiological impact that the new strain identified in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of South Africa, the Brazilian Author...

What Airbnb data can tell about Rio De Janeiro

Rio De Janeiro is one of the most visited places in Brazil, with its unique atmosphere of beaches, nightlife, nature, museums, incredible sights and places to go, there are a lot of options of places to stay during your trip. In this article, I've used a dataset published by Airbnb ...

Why White People Use This Racial Slur to Describe Brazil Nuts

Asa Southerner, the type of nut I'm most familiar with is the pecan. They are sweet, buttery, and plentiful, dropping from massive trees in backgrounds and local parks. My sister and I grew up picking pecans, using one to crack the other, and relishing a quick snack. Before us, my father picked ...

The Indigenous Tribes of Brazil

You’d think that after all these years, humanity would’ve learned a thing or two about respecting the rights and lands of indigenous people, but alas, here we are, stuck in a loop of history. Brazil’s indigenous tribes are facing a barrage of challenges. It’s like a modern...