Tag: branches

How to manage multiple environments with Terraform using branches

This is part 2 of the How to manage multiple environments with Terraform blog post series. In the first part of the series, you saw how to use workspaces to manage multiple environments with Terraform. In this post, I’ll show you how to manage multiple environments with Terrafor...

Do Sloths Really Mistake Their Own Arms for Branches?

Sloths are one of the internet’s favorite animals, along with capybaras and baby elephants. There’s something undeniably cute about them; maybe it’s their always-squinting faces, or maybe it’s just how slowly they move in all their actions? But there are also some myths ab...

The branches of government

What are the branches of government? They are The Big people that help us with our problems in the country. How many branches does the government have? What are they called? There are three branches in the government. The following are the names of the branches: legislative, executive, judi...

What are the various branches of chemistry?

Chemistry, an ever-evolving discipline, transcends mere study of substances and their transformations. It’s a realm where quantum electrodynamics and cryo-electron microscopy coalesce, offering insights into atomic and molecular intricacies. This article illuminates chemist...

Branches of Geology: A Comprehensive Overview

Structural geology is the study of the Earth’s crustal and upper mantle structures, such as mountains, faults, and folds. This branch of geology seeks to understand the processes that create these structures and how they have evolved over time. Some subfields within structural geology include:...

“How long does it take to dry when you’re hanging branches?”

A friend in the Hobby Grower discord recently asked me how branch hanging could shorten his dry time. I told him that when I branch hang — and I almost always branch hang — it takes me roughly 7–10 days. When I whole plant hang, that time doubles; a solid 14–21 days. ...