Tag: Boobs

Hello, I Have Amazing Boobs

I’ve never been pretty, even when I was at my youngest and cutest. At my best, I’ve perhaps been striking. I’ve surely qualified as cute, or stylish, and some along the way have considered me hot, even sexy. But pretty? Never. I have close-set, small eyes, and not-great skin....

What It’s Like to be Short with Big Boobs

Several months ago, I discovered another struggle. I was playing a few games of pool with my then-boyfriend, who was tall and thin. He could easily move around the table and hit the ball with a full range of motion. Because my boobs were barely higher than the pool table, they got in my way. It was ...

When Boobs Go Bad

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is here again. Each year in the United States, an estimated 288,000 women learn they have breast cancer. While many survive, almost 45,000 die annually from the disease. Upsetting, right? If you’re healthy, and we hope you are, you probab...