Tag: Bluetooth

How to get the Bluetooth Host Controller Interface logs from a modern Android phone

Most of the guidance floating around the internet for extracting the Bluetooth HCI logs from Android is grossly out of date. Here is how I managed to achieve it with a Samsung Galaxy S10 running Android version 10. Things that don’t work on this version of android, for this phone at least, ...

Mastering Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on Android for IoT

In the rapidly evolving world of the Internet of Things (IoT), connectivity is the name of the game. Among the many technologies driving this revolution, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) plays a pivotal role. If you’re an Android developer looking to harness the power of BLE for your IoT projects, y...


Prac 3 iBeacon Node BLE Details #149 TX Power: 0dBm, advertising interval: 100ms   X/Y coordinates in meters, to be advised.   Name: 4011-<LETTER>, BLE Addr, Major, Minor, [X, Y}   4011-A, addr: F5:75:FE:85:34:67, 2753, 32998 [0,0]   4011-B, addr:...