Tag: Blame

Should I Blame Myself Because My Father Died?

After all, I drove him to the bookstore and put a copy of Final Exit: The Practicalities of Self-Deliverance and Assisted Suicide for the Dying in my father’s hands. And I knew why he wanted it. But, I believe in free choice. Dad lost most of his vision to a tumor and his ...

Shattering the Blame Game — Overcoming Excuse-Making in Scaling Businesses

Welcome back, fellow navigators. This time, we’re tackling a subtle yet destructive problem — a culture of excuse-making. If deadlines are often missed and the go-to response is an excuse, rather than an explanation or a solution, then this post is for you. Identifying the Problem ...

Is “Feminism to Blame” For Korean Women Taking Down The Patriarchy?

What’s been going on recently in Korea is a real eye opener for women oppressed by sexism around the world. It appears that Korean women are sick of the patriarchy, and are handling it in a way only a woman can— with their wombs. We have seen this kind of movement happening all over the ...

Nobody is to Blame for Accidents Involving Self-Driving Cars, … right?

As you slowly recover, waking up from your unplanned nap, you’re welcomed by flashing lights on the dashboard and a high-pitched alarm coming from the speakers. A red triangle with an exclamation mark is displayed on the big screen positioned in the middle of the dashboard. Where there u...

Yet They Blame the Dead

What the wives said remains unwritten, they danced to the demon’s rondo, the husbands’ words no longer matter, more than 20,000 murders last year alone, only the sound of the shots ring into time, 16.5 million guns were bought in 2022, grisly moments laid frozen by murd...