Tag: Bidens

Biden’s Failing Black Support: Broken Promises and the Same Old Play

So, President Joe Biden is back in South Carolina. Remember, this is where he got that big boost in 2020. But now? His support among Black folks is hitting rock bottom. And guess what he’s up to — launching this national police database. Yep, that same promise he made way back when he wa...

What Joe Biden’s guns tell us about his beliefs

It’s hard to know whether Biden meant that he owns two shotguns or just one. In either case, based on political science Professor Mark Joslyn’s new book, The Gun Gap, simply owning a gun says something about Biden’s politics. As a gun owner, Biden’s made a choice, a c...

I’m Reversing My Position on Biden — For Now

Yes, I’m changing my position on Biden after a few things he did. Mind you, I’m not flip-flopping from the dangerous side of the Trump spectrum, known as the Republican Party, but from a non-voter perspective, after Biden’s latest comments at Church. He spoke out in support of the ...