Tag: Bernoulli

On Jacob Bernoulli, the Law of Large Numbers, and the Origins of the Central Limit Theorem

In my previous article, I introduced you to the Central Limit Theorem. We disassembled its definition, looked at its applications, and watched it do its magic in a simulation. I ended that article with a philosophical question asked by a famous 17th century mathematician about how natur...

Bernoulli Naive Bayes in Machine Learning: Unveiling the Power of Probability

As a data scientist, I’ve realized the power of using simple yet effective algorithms in machine learning. One such example is Bernoulli Naive Bayes, a classifier that is surprisingly powerful for certain types of data sets. It’s based on the principle of Naive Bayes, which simplifies le...

Binomial VS Bernoulli Distribution

Whether it be probability, statistics, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, or any other likewise field, having the knowledge of the distribution of data is a must or crucial, because it helps in dealing with data. Since both the distributions (Binomial & Bernoulli) are very confusi...