Tag: Beginner’s

Getting Started with LangChain: A Beginner’s Guide to Building LLM-Powered Applications

Since the release of ChatGPT, large language models (LLMs) have gained a lot of popularity. Although you probably don’t have enough money and computational resources to train an LLM from scratch in your basement, you can still use pre-trained LLMs to build something cool, such as: Read More

A Beginner’s Guide to Tackling CodeChef Problems and Landing Your Dream Job

A Beginner's Guide to Tackling CodeChef Problems and Landing Your Dream Job Hoi! This is Phanindar, and I'm thrilled to present my very first blog. If you're a coding enthusiast looking to dive into the world of competitive programming, you've come to the right place. In this blog...

Creating Your First Android App: A Beginner’s Tutorial

Welcome to this beginner’s guide to creating your very own Android app! In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of setting up your development environment, designing the user interface, adding functionality, and running your app. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a ...

A Beginner’s Guide to Retrofit in Android (Java)

In the world of Android app development, making network requests to fetch data from APIs is a common task. Retrofit is a powerful and popular library that simplifies this process by providing a clean and efficient way to make API calls. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through how to use Retrofit ...

Unit Testing for Android : A Beginner’s Guide

“ONE TEST IS MORE THAN ZERO TESTS” Unit testing is a crucial phase of software development. It brings about a development paradigm known as Test Driven Development (TDD). These tests typically test the business logic of applications. If you are not writing tests, you are...

Decoding the Android Manifest: A Beginner’s Guide

When developing an Android app, there is a critical component that plays a pivotal role in defining your app’s identity, permissions, and behavior—the Android Manifest. In this beginner’s guide, we’ll dive into what the Android Manifest is all about, its significance, and how...

A Beginner’s Guide to LLM Fine-Tuning

The growing interest in Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to a surge in tools and wrappers designed to streamline their training process. Popular options include FastChat from LMSYS (used to train Vicuna) and Hugging Face’s transformers/trl libraries (used i...

What is fxhash? A Beginner’s Guide

Digital art continues to be one of the best and most popular use cases for NFTs. The technology has enabled artists to sell their digital works online to a global collector base for the first time ever. Generative art in particular has experienced a massive boom over the past couple of years...


The process on how to become a model is a long and complicated one. How to Become a Model: A Beginner’s Guide Even though it takes time to learn about the modeling industry, there are still ways to make it a reality. There are many things that you should take into consideration befor...