Tag: Aztec

Reviving the Aztec Chinampas: Urban Agriculture for Sustainable Cities

A Biocultural Treasure with Millennia-old Roots In 1987, UNESCO recognized the cultural and ecological importance of Lake Xochimilco and its chinampas by declaring them a World Heritage Site. This recognition has been crucial for preserving this ancestral agricultural system, highlighting its histor...

Aztec Ruins in Mexico City

Felicia and I are in Mexico City exploring historic sites. This post is largely based on our visit to Aztec civilization ruins and artifacts at Templo Mayor in the Zocalo district and the National Museum of Anthropology in Chapultepec. Templo Mayor was a sacred compound in the Mexica or Aztec capita...

The legend of the Aztec Jaguar Warriors

You probably might recognize this face. He is Zero Wolf, the Mayan chieftain, a character played by Raoul Max Trujillo in the movie Apocalypto (2006, dir. Mel Gibson). Zero Wolf is most probably a Yucatan Mayan who sets out to hunt men for an eventual human sacrifice, seen h...