Tag: Automating

Automating Web Scraping with ChatGPT Code Interpreter

In previous articles, I showed you a workaround to scrape websites with ChatGPT and ChatGPT’s Plugin “Scraper.” They’re good but have some limitations and drawbacks. But ChatGPT Code Interpreter takes web scraping to a different level. In this article, we’ll see h...

Automating ML Workflows: Webhooks in Databricks with MLflow

A Use Case: Machine Learning (ML) is a dynamic field where models are continuously improved and updated. Consider an ML engineer at a tech company that deploys models for image recognition. Every time the engineer updates or improves a model, they must ensure it meets the required accuracy and pe...

Automating Infrastructure Deployment with Github, Jenkins, Terraform, Ansible and Ec2 .

In this project we will be building and deploying a portfolio website . Our code is first developed on a local machine and pushed our Github repository. We will be pulling the code through Jenkins and using Jenkins as our continuous integration and delivery tool. Whenever we push a new code to the r...

Automating AGLC4 with Zotero

Zotero is “a free, easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organise, cite, and share research.” In more technical terms, it's an open-source program to manage bibliographic data and citations or electronic citation management software. Grabbing a PDF article. Zotero work...

Automating Block Modelling with AI

Block modelling is a popular way to analyse the numeric data that is collected during drilling programs. In DRIVER we create and use block models to view the estimated concentrations (or grade) obtained using kriging or inverse distance interpolation methods. But creating accurate block models (i.e....