Tag: Autisms

Late Life Autism Diagnosis: Relief and Anger

I’ve always known I think very differently, but I chalked it up to being “gifted.” I always felt giftedness like a double-edged and heavy sword, but I was told I wasn’t trying hard enough. We women are often told we aren’t trying hard enough. Autism, now descri...

Don’t Assume Anything: Breaking Through The Autism Sterotypes

When my kids were diagnosed many years ago, I went into this new world of autism somewhat naive. I was unprepared. All I would have to say is autism, and everyone would understand, but the world isn’t like that. Like with everything else, people have their stereotypes and preconceived notio...

Don’t Assume Anything: Breaking Through The Autism Sterotypes

When my kids were diagnosed many years ago, I went into this new world of autism somewhat naive. I was unprepared. All I would have to say is autism, and everyone would understand, but the world isn’t like that. Like with everything else, people have their stereotypes and preconceived notio...

What’s the difference between ADHD and autism?

I get questions like this in my DM’s a lot. They are also questions I am trying to not worry about so much anymore, because I think the premise of these questions is flawed. They are based on the assumption that these are concrete, biological conditions with a rigid set of symptoms that can...