Tag: Atman

Atman Vs Anatman: Self or No-Self

In Eastern philosophies and religious practices, the concepts of self and identity have long captivated the minds of scholars and spiritual seekers alike. Hinduism and Buddhism offer contrasting views on the nature of existence and the self. At the heart of this difference lies the Hindu conce...

Atman Vs Anatman: Self or No-Self

In Eastern philosophies and religious practices, the concepts of self and identity have long captivated the minds of scholars and spiritual seekers alike. Hinduism and Buddhism offer contrasting views on the nature of existence and the self. At the heart of this difference lies the Hindu conce...

The Soul in Daily Life — Hinduism and the Concepts of the Atman

In Hindu philosophy, especially as detailed in the Samkhya system, the individual is made up of not just the body (Annamaya Kosha) but also several layers or sheaths (Koshas) that encompass energy, mind, intellect, and bliss. The deepest layer is the Anandamaya Kosha, often associated with the Atman...