Tag: Astro

Adding Multi-Version Support to Your Astro-based Documentation

Astro is very popular right now, and rightfully so if you ask me. The framework allows developers to create static websites with great flexibility and power. The ability to integrate multiple rendering libraries alone helps with adoption when you’re migrating from somewhere else. An...

Astro Gator Number 16

Dated 3/18/03. I had a moment of panic when I read the reptiles line, so I looked it up, which I probably did when I wrote this twenty years ago. I thought there might be a chance that geckos are amphibians. They aren’t. And even though alligators spend of their time in water, they’re no...

Nintendo Direct September 2023 — FAAFO Astro Predictions

We- the gaming community- eagerly anticipate tomorrow’s, pretty much autumnal, Nintendo Direct. In the world of gaming, anticipation is a symphony of excitement, curiosity, and sheer wonder. Every Nintendo Direct event (at least for me) is akin to the opening of a Zelda treasure chest, re...

Astro Highlights for the Week of January 14, 2024

At the end of this week, Pluto goes cazimi at the last minute of the final degree of Capricorn. This period of cleansing and regeneration happens right before Pluto enters Aquarius. A renewed Pluto enters the sign of the water-bearer as the Sun does as well. In the video I talk about some of the the...

January 13 Astro Vibe Check

Mercury enters Capricorn: This brings a shift in communication and thinking. We will develop a focus on practicality, structure, and responsibility to how we express ourselves and process information. Expect conversations to be more direct, structured, and goal-oriented. This is a good time for impo...

January 7 Astro Vibe Check

Moon in Scorpio square Saturn in Pisces: Both Scorpio and Pisces are deeply emotional signs, while Saturn brings restriction and limitation. This can lead to heightened emotions, sensitivity, and vulnerability. You might experience strong feelings of longing, desire, or fear, potentially surfacing h...

January 3 Astro Vibe Check

The Moon continues through Libra delivering delicate sprinkles of harmony over our relationships. While it will be agreeing with our desires for love and finances, the motivation to get it going will be slightly thwarted. Since we have the diligence of Capricorn and Taurus energy surrounding us, we&...

December 29 Astro Vibe Check

Today’s energy will come with much impact and you’ll be advised to embrace the ride. Change comes with swift and fiery wins due to the Moon in Leo and Venus in Sagittarius. Photo by Filipe Dos Santos Mendes on Unsplash Venus enters Sagittarius: As Venus takes fli...