Tag: Arrive

I Arrive

From the ubiquitous Thai taxi, I glimpse the cloudless, early morning sky and sunbaked sidewalks as we round the clamorous street corner and catch our first glimpse of the Klong Toey slums near the port of Bangkok where we will work in an orphanage for the next two months. I have a wordless momen...

Light and gravitational waves don’t arrive simultaneously

There’s an important rule in relativity that — as far as we know — all objects must obey. If you have no rest mass as you travel through the vacuum of space, you absolutely are compelled to travel exactly at the speed of light. This is exactly true for all massless particles, like ...

Light and gravitational waves don’t arrive simultaneously

There’s an important rule in relativity that — as far as we know — all objects must obey. If you have no rest mass as you travel through the vacuum of space, you absolutely are compelled to travel exactly at the speed of light. This is exactly true for all massless particles, like ...