Tag: Answer

Terraform Interview Questions You Must Be Able to Answer Questions

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become a critical component of efficient and scalable infrastructure management. Terraform, a popular open-source tool from HashiCorp, enables teams to embrace IaC principles and automate infrastructure provisioning across various cloud platforms. Today we will ...

The Early Buddhist answer to “What am I?”

Acentral question in philosophy is the nature of the self. Different philosophical traditions have tried to answer the question “What am I?” resulting in a wide variety of conclusions. In this series, I will compare and contrast answers from philosophical traditions around the world. ...

Physical Answer to “What is Time?”

Time slows down near massive objects like the Earth, the closer to the Earth, the slower is time (actually/literally/measured: a second on the Earth is about a nanosecond longer than a second far away from the Earth). Thus, for each atom of the air or of our body, time is slower from the side, which...