Tag: Analyze

How to use OpenAI’s Code Interpreter to Analyze Data

I’ve put off writing new data analysis posts for a while now. The return on investment seemed too low. Gathering data, cleaning it, and writing fine-tuned plotting code takes a long time and involves lots of tedious work. But times have changed! I saw that OpenAI finally releasing their&nbs...

What Happens When You Analyze Vlad The Impaler’s Letters With Advanced Tech

For the past hundred years or so, we’ve been treated to — or tormented by — a fantastic literary character that’s taken on a life of its own. While many may not know the name Bram Stoker, most know his creation Dracula — even more vampires. But like so many things in...

Analyze the Harmonic Oscillator with SymPy

SymPy is a powerful Python library for symbolic mathematics. In this blog we will use its functions to explore the dynamics of the damped harmonic oscillator and demonstrate the power of the library in classical mechanics. Here are the most important functions that we will use in this post [1]: S...

What Happens When You Analyze Vlad The Impaler’s Letters With Advanced Tech

“I could hear a lot of words often repeated…so I quietly got my polyglot dictionary from my bag and looked them out. I must say they were not cheering to me, for amongst them were “Ordog” — Satan, “pokol” — hell, “stregoica” — witc...

How to Analyze Game Design Like a Pro

If there’s one aspect of the game industry that is as mysterious as game design, it is game analysis. There may be hundreds, or even thousands at this point, of magazines, sites, journalists, and YouTubers, all reviewing video games, but it takes a careful eye to analyze a game. For today&rsqu...

Using Analyze of Average Nearest Neighbor prove that Hotelling model of spatial competition is true in terms of convenience store in Taipei.

Average of Nearest Neighbor (ANN) is a measurement of series of point data which tell us that series of point data is clustered or dispersed. In this article, I will briefly talk about how ANN works and the application of ANN. Lastly, I will prove the Hotelling model of spatial competition by m...