Tag: Analysts

Python in Excel Will Reshape How Data Analysts Work

Last year, I published a free course called “Python for Excel Users” on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel, and even though the video has more than 1M views, I realized some people didn’t get the purpose of the course. Some of them commented, - Why do Excel users need Python?...

Predictive Modeling for Future Stock Prices in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

Predictive modeling plays a crucial role in the world of finance, especially when it comes to making informed decisions in the stock market. In this article, I will walk you through the process of building a model for predicting stock prices using Python. We will cover data manipulation, fetching st...

5 Common Data Governance Pain Points for Analysts & Data Scientists

Are you an analyst or data scientist at a large organisation? Raise your hand if you’ve ever come across these head-scratchers: Finding data felt like going on a Sherlock expedition. Understanding data lineage was impossibly frustrating. Accessing data bec...

A Guide to Windows Directories for SOC Analysts

System32 Directory `C:\Windows\System32` is one of the most important directories for SOC analysts. It houses essential system files and dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that are integral to the Windows operating system. SOC analysts should monitor this directory for any unexpected changes, as ...

White Star Capital is looking for a Data Analyst in Toronto

Step into the dynamic world of data at White Star Capital! We are seeking a highly motivated Data Analyst to join our Data and Technology team, based in North America. As a Data Analyst you will play an essential role in the development of White Star Capital’s technology stack and long-term te...

Fundamentals Of Statistics For Data Scientists and Analysts

The importance of statistics in data science and data analytics cannot be underestimated. Statistics provides tools and methods to find structure and to give deeper data insights. Both Statistics and Mathematics love facts and hate guesses. Knowing the fundamentals of these two important subjects wi...