Tag: amount

How to make galaxies with the wrong amount of dark matter

For nearly all large-scale objects, dark matter is a vital part of the story. The cosmic web that we see, the largest-scale structure in the entire Universe, is dominated by dark matter. Simulations of the large-scale structure of the Universe must include both dark matter and normal matter, ...

The Incredible Amount We Know About Jesus From Sources Outside the Bible

A common refrain echoed ad nauseum online declares that we know nothing of Jesus from ancient historical sources. The only source we have is the Bible, which many discard as a reliable source given its supernatural claims. But is the situation really so dire? Do we know nothing of Jesus...

You Can Learn a Decent Amount of Mandarin in Three Months

I always assumed Mandarin was impossible to learn. Obviously not entirely impossible since people learn it. But I thought that a casual learner, without classes and by themselves, couldn’t really do much. This was only confirmed when I started looking at some Chinese introductory books. An ...