Tag: Americana

Manuscripta Americana. The Aztec hidden manuscripts at the Berlin State Library.

There is an exhibition of Aztec codices at the Berlin State Library, Unter den Linden 8. I saw the sign on a cold January day, walking from the main building of Humboldt University to my office in Friedrichstraße. Berlin-Mitte is the place where I spend my days writing a dissertation on Plato&...

There’s Something about The Americana at Brand

In Glendale, California, there stand two neighboring malls, living in harmony for over a decade — until recently. After a new Twitter account surfaced, dealing in the currency of memes about the Americana at Brand (the newer, shinier, outdoor mall), began stoking a rivalry with the m...

A Piece of Americana

A Drabble is a work of fiction that is exactly 100 words. No more. No less. Please be so kind as to remain on this page for 30 seconds, so this short story will count as a read. If you enjoy my story, I would appreciate it if you would clap, highlight, and comment. Thank you. Tom and Millie were ...