Tag: Allah

For the Sake of Allah: The Sacred Covenant of Marriage in Islam

In the realm of Islamic beliefs, the sacred institution of marriage is woven with threads of devotion, commitment, and a profound sense of purpose. As a Muslim, I find solace in the understanding that our unions are not mere partnerships; they are solemn covenants entered into for the sake of All...

Cursing On Someone —Expulsion From Mercy Of Allah :

The primary meaning of cursing is expulsion from mercy, to be ostracised, and the infliction of God’s anger. If a Muslim curses someone who doesn’t deserve it. The curse will come back to haunt him both here and in the Hereafter. The author of Lisaan al-‘Arab [a Famous Arabic-la...

Conversation between Allah and Muhammad

Attahiyat it is a part of the discussion between Our Creator Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, and our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ during his journey of Al Isra Wal Miraj. At the point when Prophet Muhammad ﷺ met Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, he didn’t say ‘Assalam aleikum’...

Jesus, Allah, and Adonay are not Yhvh

The Christians learn the Bible, but with a whole set of additions, which they call the “New Testament”. Although it is better to learn the Bible than to learn other books, the Christians don’t really get to enjoy from the Bible’s legislative code because they claim that Jesus...

The Term Allah in Context

The term “Allah” carries profound significance within interfaith dialogues, particularly between Christian missionary efforts and Islamic beliefs. Discussions around the appropriateness of using “Allah” in Christian translations and the refutation of misconceptions, such as t...