Tag: Alexandria

Did you Know Homer Simpson Has More Authority Than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?

If you’re a woman in a professional position or, God forbid, an expert in any field, you’ve experienced this. You’re in a room full of men. In a meeting or presentation, you say something — no one responds. Then a man repeats the same thing, and everyone tells him he was a...

The Battle For The Lighthouse of Alexandria

One of the least remembered chapters of the tale of Julius Caesar involves a strange siege of Alexandria, Egypt. Caesar sailed into Alexandria with some soldiers in search of money and troops for his ongoing battle against Pompey in the Roman civil war. When he arrived, he discovered that the Egypti...

Euclid of Alexandria: The Father of Geometry

Euclid’s early life is shrouded in mystery, and little is known about his personal background. Some historical accounts suggest that he was born in Tyre, Greece, while others claim he was born in Megara or even in Athens. The uncertainty surrounding his birthplace adds an air of intrigue to hi...

The Burning of the Great Library of Alexandria Isn’t What You Think

The Burning of the Library of Alexandria is an event that exists in most peoples’ minds. Every so often people will shake their head and say “what a shame that such a great repository of knowledge was destroyed.” In the minds of most people, the Burning of the Greate Library of Ale...

The First Woman Mathematician: Hypatia of Alexandria:

Imagine being the most brilliant and influential woman in the ancient world, only to be brutally murdered by a mob of religious fanatics. This is the story of Hypatia of Alexandria, the first woman mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher, who lived in the fourth and fifth centuries CE. In this ar...