Tag: ahead

How to get ahead of 99% of people

I could not have thought of a more obvious title but read till the end and you’ll know I mean it. Not because I am a philosophy expert but because this is something that I been preaching for the past 8 months and this head led me from making 0$ to 1000$ You can search “How d...


As we commemorate our 2 year Anniversary, it’s time for a full recap of our journey. It’s been two long and challenging years for us all in this space, but we still vividly remember and carry with us the enthusiasm we felt as we introduced STREETH to the world. ◾️️ A Beginn...

Aries Your Year Ahead 2024

Hey, fearless Aries souls! As we stand on the threshold of a brand new year, the cosmic energies are buzzing with anticipation for the adventures awaiting you. I’ve delved into the mystical realm of the tarot to unravel the tapestry of your journey in 2024. Brace yourself as we unveil the secr...

Navigating beyond: Redefining intelligence for the roads ahead with AutoGI

In the dynamic landscape of automotive technology, the journey toward autonomy demands a profound shift in how we perceive and implement intelligence. At aiMotive, our dedication to innovation has led us to reimagine the very core of our approach. We sought more than mere responsiveness to data from...

AI-Powered Autonomous Vehicles: The Road Ahead

Self-driving cars were once a far-fetched fantasy confined to the realm of science fiction. Yet today, artificial intelligence (AI) is steering autonomous vehicles closer to mainstream adoption. Major players like Tesla and Waymo are racing down the highway of innovation, fueled by AI and machine le...

The Forecast for the Trucking Industry on the Road Ahead

The use of apprentice programs like what US Special Delivery implements to get fresh blood into the industry by offering on-the-job training. The federal agencies and Advocate for Congress are looking to get young blood into the industry (18 to 21 years old) because nearly a third of the truck drive...

Indian Languages — Bleak Future Ahead?

I was born in the early 90s to a Hindi speaking family in north India. English was then, one of the surest ways to climb up the social and economic ladder. Heeding this mantra, my parents got me and my brother admitted to English medium schools since the beginning. Back in the early 2000s English...