Tag: Adverse

Let’s Be More Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) Aware!

It took me until I was 20 when I took my first Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) self-screening. ACEs are scored based on ten questions on potential traumatic events a person experiences before a child’s 18th birthday (Center for Disease Control (CDC) Vital Signs, 2019). These experiences a...

Opioid adverse effects & alternatives poster

Over the years I have created a number of handouts geared towards providers and patients. In the context of the on-going opioid epidemic, it is not surprising that the most popular of my handouts is on opioid adverse effects and opioid alternatives. Doctors, nurse practitioner...

How to Use Machine Learning to Forecast Adverse Drug Reactions

When patients suffer unintended reactions to medicines, it can be both dangerous for the individual and costly to society. However, what if medical professionals could use machine learning to forecast adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and minimise risks to patients? ADRs are a huge concern within the...

Using NLP to identify Adverse Drug Events (ADEs)

An adverse drug event (ADE) is defined as harm experienced by a patient as a result of exposure to a medication. A significant amount of information about drug-related safety issues such as adverse effects are published in medical case reports that usually can only be explored by human rea...