Tag: ads

The Controversy of early Playstation 2 print ads

Before the metropolis converted to digital, before the internet became symbiotic with modern culture, print ads were still a viable way to communicate your idea or product. Print ads worked for comic book readers, magazine subscribers, and those who frequented used bookstores. In 1996, Playst...

Remember these Vintage Gun Ads?

It’s a blast from the past, who doesn’t enjoy looking at vintage gun ads? It’s funny to see how they marketed firearms back in the early to mid 20th century, not to mention the prices! Here are 20 beautiful vintage gun ads from a bygone era. While some of these ads are from long...

Medication Ads Advertise Death

I can’t speak for New Zealand since I’m not from there, but as an American, I will speak for America. The American Health care system loves to cover up any type of illness, both mental and physical, with pills. Put it this way, if you were to go to a psychiatrist to get a mental diagnosi...