Tag: Adopt

Top 10 Coding Habits to Adopt in the Year 2023

. Focusing On Your Basics Nobody wants you to know everything there is to know about coding. But still, being comfortable with the most important concepts and frameworks in use will always be advantageous. As a result, having a stable base is important. Before using the framework, you shoul...

4 Japanese Secret Practices That Everyone Should Adopt

Ever heard the saying, “It’s a new day to learn a new thing”? Oh, there is no saying like that? Never mind, I just made it up. But you understood the context, right? Today, many, many years later (me being dramatic), I woke up at 5:00 clock in the morning. I did my libe...

To-do Lists Do Not Work. Instead, Adopt These 3 Tools

Yes, as the picture shows — to-do lists are everlasting and keep piling up, and do not have any time factor attached. I wrote on this topic sometime back after plenty of research and did come up with a modified workflow for getting this done. Here is the story back then. To-Do Lis...