Tag: Access

How to Successfully Take Your Game Into Early Access

Early Access in the right hands can be one of the most effective strategies for developing a game for an indie developer. When it goes right, you can earn a profit on a game while still making it and raising awareness for your game at the same time. Not only that but you can get free playtestin...

Leveling the Playing Field: How the Playstation Access Controller is Revolutionizing Accessibility in Gaming

The Playstation has long been a mainstay in the gaming industry for a lot of players. It might not have been as inclusive, though, as people with accessibility needs would have preferred. The Playstation Access controller is useful in this situation. With its adjustable features and choices, this in...

New and Juicy Information Regarding the PS5 Access Controller

Sony previously announced their PS5 accessibility controller! Do you remember the one they were secretly developing called Project Leonardo? Well, guess what? It finally has an official name: the Access Controller. And let me tell you, it’s a total game-changer for disabled gamers! Sony spi...

Block Public Access to the S3 bucket!

Introduction Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) is a strong and well-known tool for keeping and getting data of any size. It’s easy to use, can grow with your needs, and works quickly, which makes it a popular choice for many different kinds of data storage tasks. However, because it&rs...

Automated user migration and management of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources

In this project based on a real-world scenario, I acted as Cloud Specialist with the mission to migrate users in an automated way and manage AWS IAM (Identity and Access Management) resources. There were 100 users that needed to be migrated and have MFA (Multi-factor authentication) enabled on th...

Firebase Analytics and advertising identifier access

Android apps using just Firebase Analytics without any other firebase dependencies like Firebase Ads ends up declaring AD_ID permission in the final merged android manifest. implementation platform('com.google.firebase:firebase-bom:32.4.0') implementation 'com.google.firebase:fireb...

How to create a Guest user in Windows 11 with limited access

Sharing your Windows 11 device with others, whether they’re colleagues or friends, often requires a secure and restricted environment. One way to achieve this is by creating a guest user account with limited access. This account provides temporary access for users without granting them fu...

How to get free coworking access in Lisbon

As a digital nomad I love working from coffeeshops. You can soak up the atmosphere of a city, do some people-watching and get work done while sipping on a delicious coffee — all for a cheaper price than a day pass in a coworking space. But every now and then it’s nice to work fro...

Your Free Media Access at Vancouver Public Library

In today’s world, where the internet has transformed various aspects of our lives, and we are witnessing digital wars, misinformation, and disinformation surrounding social media, along with Meta blocking Canadian content, it would be great if you could subscribe to the Canadian media’s ...

What is Access Bars? — Explain A Simple Way

Access Bars is a simple, yet powerful, an energy healing modality that can be used to help release stuck energies and patterns in the body. It is based on the premise that our thoughts, emotions, and experiences are stored in our cells, and that by releasing these patterns, we can create more s...

From Non-Lawyer to Law Student: Perspectives on Access to Justice

Going to law school seemed a bit paradoxical for me. Of course, given that I had not yet gone to law school at the time, I was a non-lawyer. But not only was I a non-lawyer, I also advanced the idea that non-lawyers could — and should — be able to provide legal help to those in need. I w...

Bridging the Antimicrobial Access Gap: Data, Accountability, and Solutions

The week of 22nd January sees the convening of WHO’s Executive Board (EB) in Geneva, where the key areas of the global health agenda are set out for WHO member states for the year ahead. Among other issues, MSF is presenting a position statement to the EB on the global challenge of antimicrobi...

Open Access Collection for Digital Creators

This is an exciting news for digital creators, art enthusiasts, and researchers alike: the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter has just unveiled a game-changing initiative that’s set to fuel your creative work.Museum’s Hidden Gems Now at Your Fingertips In collaboration with the Un...