Tag: Accepting

How We Got Conditioned Into Accepting Dystopia

Here’s a tiny question. Why is it that the future of the human race, the planet, democracy, life itself is on the line right now — and there’s not a revolution anywhere in sight? Take a glimpse at the headlines. The Greek wildfires are record-breaking. 5...

How We Got Conditioned Into Accepting Dystopia

Take a glimpse at the headlines. The Greek wildfires are record-breaking. 5 dead in Michigan after storms. Tenerife, on fire. 388 people are missing from the Maui wildfires. A new Covid variant, better than all the others at evading immunity. And inflation, st...

Accepting Humanity: How to Embrace Diversity and Make the World a Better Place

How to Embrace Diversity and Make a Difference Now that we understand the significance of diversity, let’s explore some practical ways in which we can embrace it and contribute to making the world a better place: 1. Educate Yourself Expand your knowledge about different cultures, reli...

My Journey to Accepting Myself as Non-Binary — Journal Entry

autism meant that I felt extremely uncomfortable with numerous sensory inputs causing me to self harm from a young age. I would bite my hands, hit myself, and eventually started cutting myself to deal with the overwhelm my body was experiencing. On top of my sensory difficulties, my body was also...