Tag: abstraction

The 80% abstraction

Entropy is a universal law: everything tends toward disorder without reinvested energy. Software is no exception. When evolutionary development is constrained by time and/or budget, systems become “monolithic”. That’s often a euphemism for spaghetti of inconsistent abstraction...

Prompts as the new coding language: The abstraction battleground for tech jobs

It’s often said that AI will replace us or take our jobs. Maybe. But, which jobs first? I’ll argue that Gen AI will replace most work that lives in the middle ground of abstraction (the first battleground) leaving for us humans to toil on the value-based strategic work, and the...

The Evolution of Mondrian’s Early Paintings Towards Abstraction

The manner in which artists find their way can be fascinating to watch. In the case of painter Piet Mondrian, who is best known for his grid-based paintings with blocks of primary colours, his artistic development stands out as being palpably observable. Interestingly, Mondrian was in his...