Tag: 21st

Three Things We Have To Do To Fix the 21st Century

Right about now, our organizations are working…in all the wrong ways. They’re solving yesterday’s problems, mostly, still. But those problems have already been solved. Yet today’s and tomorrow’s haven’t. They’re just getting bigger, spinning out of con...

Three Things We Have To Do To Fix the 21st Century

Right about now, our organizations are working…in all the wrong ways. They’re solving yesterday’s problems, mostly, still. But those problems have already been solved. Yet today’s and tomorrow’s haven’t. They’re just getting bigger, spinning out of con...

Why the 21st Century Is So Dystopian

It’s amazing, in its own dire way. Open a newspaper, Twitter, check your Facebook, and so forth. What do you see? Dystopia — a tidal wave of it. A few years ago, you might have thought: this is just a phase. It’ll pass. But it’s not. If anything, it’s getting worse, and...

Three Challenges Faced by Political Parties in the 21st Century

At the beginning of this year, the National Democratic Institute hosted the 21st Century Parties Conference in Brussels, Belgium. Party experts and assistance providers convened to discuss three important issues many parties struggle with around the globe: inclusion and citizen relations, ...