101 Zen Stories: Story # 14 : Muddy Road — Letting Go

<p>Tanzan and Ekido, two monks, were walking down a muddy road in the rain. Coming around a bend, they saw a lovely young woman in a kimono unable to cross the flooded intersection. Without hesitation, Tanzan carried her across the mud.</p> <p>That evening at the temple, Ekido scolded his friend: &ldquo;Monks don&rsquo;t go near females! Why did you do that?&rdquo;</p> <p>&ldquo;I left the girl there,&rdquo; said Tanzan. &ldquo;Are you still carrying her?&rdquo;</p> <p>The meaning is that while Tanzan selflessly helped the woman then moved on, Ekido remains attached to the situation, carrying judgement and desire where none exists. The story illustrates the importance of living in the moment with compassion, then letting go without clinging to the past.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@selfhelpchampion4/101-zen-stories-story-14-muddy-road-letting-go-b9efb35fcbe0"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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