Zen Master Hui Neng: The Bright Mirror has no Dust

<p>Hui Neng was born in Tang Dynasty China, around 600 AD. His father died while he was young, forcing him and his mother to scrape out a living selling firewood. One day, after hearing one of his customers chanting the Diamond Sutra, Hui Neng experienced a sudden awakening. When he learned from the customer about Zen Master Hong Ren, the 5th Patriarch of Zen, who taught the Diamond Sutra, the young Hui Neng felt a deep inner call to seek him out.</p> <p>He walked for 30 days to reach Hong Ren&rsquo;s monastery, where he presented himself to the 5th Patriarch and asked &ldquo;to become awakened, nothing else&rdquo;. After a brief exchange, the 5th Patriarch recognised the boy&rsquo;s brilliance. But, in typical Zen Buddhist style, he sent him to work grinding rice for the temple. Hui Neng continued to work grinding rice for 8 months, during which time he did not so much as enter the Master&rsquo;s hall.</p> <p><strong>Read More</strong></p>
Tags: Zen Master