You’re Allowed to Say Absurd Things When You have a Seat at the Table

<p>I don&rsquo;t have a seat at&nbsp;<em>the</em>&nbsp;table, but I have a seat at&nbsp;<em>a</em>&nbsp;table. I&rsquo;m a white male. That means I have white male privilege. To be honest, it&rsquo;s taken me pretty far. I&rsquo;m not proud of that, but I recognize it&rsquo;s the truth.</p> <p>As a white male there are things our society allows me to say which would bring down punishment on anyone who isn&rsquo;t sitting at this particular table. I try to use this power to be a positive influence, but let&rsquo;s face it, any inequitable distribution of power will lead to corruption eventually.</p> <p>Consider the concept of scholarships. A scholarship means one person gets to go to school, however it does nothing for the millions of kids who don&rsquo;t get one. When you look at it that way, you might find yourself asking why we celebrate scholarships? Scholarships are just a life lottery that decide who gets an opportunity. Instead of scholarships maybe we should be fixated on achieving a system where&nbsp;<em>everyone</em>&nbsp;is allowed an education.</p> <p>You know, we could make the table bigger. We could give people power based on the merit of their ideas.</p> <p>I&rsquo;m aware that I have a seat at&nbsp;<em>a</em>&nbsp;table, but I also know that there are bigger tables. CEOs who run submarine tourism businesses sit at bigger tables than I do. They&rsquo;re so powerful, they can fire the&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">safety experts</a>&nbsp;they hire who don&rsquo;t tell them what they want to hear.</p> <p>When you have a seat at&nbsp;<em>the</em>&nbsp;table, you can pretty much get away with saying whatever you want. In most cases, the people enduring the consequences for your absurd ideas are those sitting at the smaller tables, or no table at all.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Absurd Seat