You’re a Development Resource. 5 Ways My Employer Kills My Soul

<p>My employer isn&rsquo;t the best. They don&rsquo;t seem to understand that their workers are humans too. What&rsquo;s worse&nbsp;<strong><em>The Secret Developer</em></strong>&nbsp;gets told something once and then holds onto it for the rest of their lives. Bringing it out in a pique of resentment and bitterness at every opportunity.</p> <p>It&rsquo;s unhealthy, and writing an article out of spite for the little things you&rsquo;ve been told over the&nbsp;<strong><em>years with an employer&nbsp;</em></strong>isn&rsquo;t a good way of living your life. Most software developers would leave a position rather than constantly moan about it.</p> <blockquote> <p>That&rsquo;s not the way I roll</p> </blockquote> <h1>The path to resentment</h1> <p>What has led me to list the little things that annoy me? My current workplace said the following to me.</p> <p>Out of bitterness I&rsquo;ve written them down and listed them here</p> <p>The top 5 ways</p> <h1>1. Development Resource</h1> <p>The situation: When you&rsquo;re on holiday the scrum master will ask what we will do when we are missing a &ldquo;development resource&rdquo;.</p> <p>The implication: We are interchangeable parts. Get sick and we will need to get another part to fill the gap</p> <p>Nothing offensive about that.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>