How to Use Your Time Wisely

<p>Maybe I can&rsquo;t add more hours to your day, but we can give you tips to use the time you have more wisely. Time management is a practice &mdash; the more you focus on it, the better you&rsquo;ll become.</p> <p>If you understand how you&rsquo;re spending your time, you can adjust your schedule so that you&rsquo;re focusing more on the things that are important to you.</p> <h1>Track your time</h1> <p>Keep a log of how you spend every waking moment so you know where your time is going. Use your phone for this purpose. Write down times and what you are doing at that time in the form of a document.</p> <p>Decide a cycle. A week or a month and after each cycle, go back and look through your log to get a better picture of how you spend your day.</p> <ul> <li>Don&rsquo;t cheat! If you&rsquo;re not honest about how you spend your time, you won&rsquo;t be able to improve anything. If you spent 50 minutes playing a game on your phone, write it down.</li> <li>If you want a more visual depiction, you can translate your log into pie charts or graphs to get a better idea of what tasks take up the most of your time.</li> </ul> <h1>Identify and eliminate bad habits</h1> <p>Look for things in your time log that is taking you off-task. You might have habits you&rsquo;ve developed over time that are now doing you more harm than good.</p> <p>Maybe you check your phone every few minutes or respond to text messages immediately after receiving them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
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