Mesh Your Smart Home and Console Gaming

<p>I thought I&rsquo;d step over on the lighter side of smart home this week. I always enjoy posting about the entertainment side of smart homes so I&rsquo;m going to share a little on gaming consoles. I wish I could say I was great at playing video games, but I can&rsquo;t even claim mediocre. In a recent game of &lsquo;Mario Kart&rsquo; with my grandson he turned to me when the game was over and said &ldquo;Grandpa, you are really bad at this game.&rsquo; In my own defense it was the first time I played it. But yeah, I was pretty bad, but it was still fun.</p> <p>Though smart home technology and console gaming are two distinct concepts, they can intersect and complement each other in many ways. Smart home refers to a residence equipped with various interconnected devices and systems that can be controlled remotely or automatically to enhance convenience, comfort, energy efficiency and security. Common components of a smart home include smart lighting, thermostats, security cameras, smart speakers and more.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Smart Home