Your Personal Copy Editor Build a LLM-backed App Using LangChain.js and Electron

<p>Using JavaScript to write an LLM-backed app, sounds crazy, no? There are indeed benefits to using JavaScript over Python for apps that heavily depend on external APIs and libraries like LangChain. In the conventional web app model, you&rsquo;re required to develop an HTML/CSS/JS front-end and a backend your preferred server-side language. However, with the advent of JavaScript libraries for handling LLMs such as&nbsp;LangChain&nbsp;and&nbsp;js-tiktoken, you can now create AI-enabled apps without a back-end layer.</p> <p>To be objective, opting for a completely client-side approach does restrict your capabilities. However, when you combine a fully client-side application with the robust&nbsp;Electron&nbsp;desktop framework, many of these limitations are removed. Electron enables you to package your front-end web app as a cross-platform desktop app that can be published across sundry platform-specific app stores.</p> <p>Features typically expected in a web app, like account management, become optional in the desktop space. Moreover, you will gain access to native plugins to interact with the host operating system, allowing you to expand your app beyond the confines of a regular web app.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>