Your Parents Missing Your Autism Isn’t Always Neglect

<p>Autism is largely genetic. We&rsquo;ve known this for a while now. The percentage of how many people have inherited their autism is debatable but generally, the numbers currently top out at around 80 to 90 percent.</p> <p>Interestingly, autism could be entirely genetic; we just don&rsquo;t know right now. Some researchers are unconvinced that the people who have &ldquo;acquired autism&rdquo; are truly autistic or if they have a separate condition that simply mimics autism.</p> <p>Either way, if one&rsquo;s parents missed their autistic traits, chances are they did so partly because one or both of them were undiagnosed autistic themselves.</p> <p>I know firsthand how easy it is to miss the signs because I missed them in my son. I missed them because I didn&rsquo;t know I was autistic.</p> <p><a href="">Click Here</a></p>
Tags: Autism Neglect