Humble Yourself Young Buck

<p>Moving halfway around the world has its difficulties. They have been well documented by the waves of young Americans pursuing the Neo-American Dream of leaving. I get to be one of those privileged few through manner of marriage; allow me to tell you all about it.</p> <p>Getting married to a person who is part of a communal (I.e non-Western) culture is often romanticized by leftist Americans who hate the idiosyncrasies of their homeland. To be part of the village, or just to be different, the people in this in-group can relate I&rsquo;m sure. But when you try to live in another country not as an &lsquo;expat&rsquo; who sits on the surface of culture, but as an immigrant who has to learn the language, submit to the rules of a new household order and the like, the veneer comes off pretty quickly.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Young Buck